Children and Young People
Children and young people are welcome at all our services. Our work specifically aimed at children and young people takes place during the 9.30 Family Communion service each Sunday.
Family Communion & Groups
Groups for children and young people run on most weeks, including the summer holidays, but there are some exceptions, including Harvest Festival, Mothering Sunday etc. and some other non-term times. (See also 3rd Sundays)
All groups operate within the Safeguarding Policy adopted by St. Botolph’s PCC, a copy of which is available on the notice board and via the ‘Information’ heading on this website.
9.30 Family Communion Service on 3rd Sundays
On the third Sunday of each month, we worship together as a whole family, the children and young people remaining for the entire service. We follow our seasonal service books, and our prayer is that all ages will be enabled by the Spirit to enter into the liturgy, to encounter God in his Word, in Sacrament and in blessing. Families are encouraged to sit near the front, where younger children can see what is happening, and there are quiet activities provided nearby. The sermon is accessible to the whole worshipping community, and often interactive. Those who would like to are invited to sit in the Chancel during the Eucharistic Prayer.
Children and Holy Communion
With their parents' agreement, we warmly welcome children in St. Botolph's to receive Holy Communion from the age of 7 following a short preparation course. If your child would like to participate, please speak to one of the children's team for dates of upcoming courses. Children who have been prepared elsewhere will be welcome to receive but we ask that you please speak to the Vicar to let her know your wishes.
It is always a joy to explore the Christian faith with young people. Those who will be aged 12 or more by the date of the confirmation service follow an exploration course of 8 sessions, usually in a group. Towards the end of the course, they are asked to make their own decision as to whether they are ready to make the promises and commitment involved in confirmation. Contact the Rev. Jackie Bullen for dates of upcoming courses. Tel: 01733 263016.
Buggy Buddies (0-4yrs)
We are a very friendly, nicely busy group that meet in St. Botolph’s between 10.30 and 12.00 every Friday morning during term-time. There are toys, playdough and crafts available, together with squash, tea & coffee and with a nice spread of edible goodies. During the last half-hour we have a prayer, story and enjoy a singing session with pom-poms, parachute and more. Mums, dads and all sorts of carers are welcome – you needn’t be churchgoers to come along!
Our Buggy Buddies prayer: ‘Dear loving Lord Jesus, thank you for friends and family and fun. Thank you for helping me to do my best. Thank you for loving me always, even when I make mistakes, and have to say ‘sorry’! Amen.’
Contact Eddie Miller Tel: 07801 436408
St. Botolph’s has informal links with and holds occasional/seasonal services for the following:
Longthorpe Toddler Group
Longthorpe Pre-school
Uniformed organisations (Scouts, Cubs etc.)
Contact: John Tidy Tel: 01733 266290