The Ten

Stained glass window showing Moses

Learning Together
A course on
'The Ten Commandments'
on the following dates:

September 4th, 11th, 25th
October 9th, 23rd
November 6th, 27th
All sessions are on Wednesdays at 7.00pm in the Cloister at St Botolph’s Church.
The session on 4th September will include a Bring and Share Supper.

All are welcome



Saturday 28th September
11.00am - 3.00pm
Theme: Book Characters
Start from St Botolph's church green, collecting map and score sheet.
Follow the trail and give each scarecrow a score.
Return completed score sheet to the church.
Refreshments available



Sunday 15th September
Trinity 16

8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Eucharist
11.00am Families Together
6.00pm Evensong

Monday 16th September
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom

Tuesday 17th September
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
2.00-4.00pm Games Afternoon

Wednesday 18th September
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
10.30am Holy Communion
11.15am Coffee in the Cloister
11.45 Ukulele Practice
7.00pm Cursillo Group Reunion

Thursday 19th September
8.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
10.00am Ministry Leadership Team
11.00am-12.00 noon Coffee & Chat on Zoom
2.00pm Handicraft Group
5.30pm Singing Group
7.00pm Standing Committee

Friday 20th September
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
10.30am Buggy Buddies

Saturday 21st September
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom

Sunday 22nd September
Trinity 17

8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Eucharist with Children's Groups
Prayer Ministry available after the service
12.00 noon Baptism of Emilio
6.00pm Evensong

Zoom Links:

Peterborough Food Bank

They are currently short of: 
Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish, Instant Mash, Tinned Fruit, Toilet Rolls, Jam, Pasta Sauces, Cereals, Teabags, UHT milk. 
They have plenty of Pasta and Baked Beans at the moment. 


Revd JackieRev. Jackie Bullen
Vicar and Assistant Rural Dean
of Peterborough

The Vicarage, 315 Thorpe Road, Longthorpe, Peterborough PE3 6LU
Tel: 01733 263016.

Safeguarding Officers

St. Botolph’s is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all young people and vulnerable adults.
Claire Drake
Parish Safeguarding Officer

Tel: 01780 783303
Victoria Kellett
Diocesan Safeguarding Officer

Tel: 01733 887040

Click on the following links to download:

Longthorpe Church Safeguarding Policy

Diocesan Safeguarding Policy

Promoting a Safer Church (House of Bishops)